How To Create A Mockup With Your Design in Photoshop

Creating a mockup with your design in Photoshop helps showcase your work in a realistic and visually appealing way. Here's a simple guide to help you create a mockup:
- Launch Photoshop. Open Photoshop.
- Select File New. Set your workspace size to 1500 px x 1000 px or size to your desired thumbnail. (px refers to pixels)
- Drag and drop the mockup onto canvas.
- Drag and drop your design onto canvas.
- Make adjustments. Resize as needed.
- Add your branding or watermark.
- Export your design. File Save As....jpeg or png as needed.
Viola! Your are done and ready to post the mockup to start generating sales!
Remember, be creative and pay attention to details to make your mockup match your branding.